福井工業大学 ASEAN事務所 金井学園




We have established an ASEAN office in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, as a base for accepting international students from the ASEAN countries, finding employment for international students returning to their home countries, and overseas internships for Japanese students.

設置の背景と目的Background and purpose of establishment


The FUT ASEAN Office was requested by companies in Fukui Prefecture that have factories and offices in Thailand to develop engineers who can play an active role as executives in their factories and offices in Thailand. The office was established in February 2013 with the intention of gaining international students to meet the companies’ request. It also functions as a base for promoting globalization, such as inter-university academic and educational exchanges in the ASEAN region, which is becoming increasingly important for Japan, and support to Japanese students studying abroad.


  • タイ王国を中心とするASEAN諸国からの留学生獲得

    Acquisition of international students from the ASEAN countries, especially Thailand.

  • 大学間協定、姉妹校協定などに基づく学生・生徒・教職員間の交流事業の推進

    Promotion of exchange programs among students,faculty members, teachers and staff members based on inter-university agreements and sister school agreements.

  • 日本人学生・生徒の留学および海外インターンシップ事業への現地支援

    On-site support to Japanese students studying abroad and for overseas internship projects.


  • タイ国内で開催される様々な留学生フェアへの出展


    Exhibiting at various international student fairs held in Thailand.
    Ex.) J Education Study Abroad Fair, OCSC Study Abroad Fair, Local Study Abroad Information Sessions Hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, JASSO Vietnam Study Abroad Fair, etc.

  • 国際交流事業やオンライン交流事業などの開催

    Holding international exchange projects and online exchange projects.

  • 福井工業大学、附属福井高等学校が実施するオフショア入試への協力

    Cooperating with Fukui University of Technology and Fukui High School for their offshore entrance examinations.

  • 金井学園各校と現地日系企業との懸け橋

    Being a bridge between each institution owned by Kanai Educational Institution and local Japanese-affiliated companies.

  • 学生・生徒が短期留学や交流事業で渡航した際の現地サポート

    On-site support to students when they visit Thailand for short-term study abroad or exchange programs.


Fukui University of Technology Representative Office
「ASEAN Office」

5th Floor, Office No. 5/1 333/11 United Tower Sukhumvit 55,
Khlongtan-Nuea,Wattana, Bangkok 10110.
  • ASEAN事務所
  • ASEAN事務所
  • ASEAN事務所


To all alumni living in neighboring countries in Southeast Asia


Please feel free to contact us if you are currently living in Thailand.