「知」をつなぐ。「未来」を創る。 金井学園





地域に愛され、地域に必要とされるとともに、地域を世界とつなぐ 「知」の拠点としての「総合学園」をめざします。

  • ◎超スマート社会の到来と人生100年時代の中で、たくましく生き抜く自律した実践的な人材を育成します。
  • ◎グローバル化の進展や社会状況の変化による多様化する社会に対応し、地域の持続的な発展に貢献できる研究を推進します。
  • ◎大学が持つ様々な「知」と「技」を地域に還元し、夢と可能性の拡大に貢献します。
  • ◎基礎・基本的な知識・技能および思考力・判断力・表現力を伸ばし、主体性や 学びに向かう力、
    さらに人間力を養い、生徒一人一人の目標に向かう丁寧な 教育を提供し、それぞれの「夢」の実現を目指します。
  • ◎グローバル化の進展に伴い、ユネスコスクールとしてESD教育を推進し、英語力やコミュニケーション力、
    および地球規模の問題の解決に必要な能力や態度を 身につけ、日本と世界をつなぐ国際人を育成します。
  • ◎「建学の精神」に基づいた人格形成を基盤として、「主体性・協働性」を育成し、
  • ◎「個を生かす指導 ・多様で質の高い教育」を充実し、 生徒一人一人の可能性を 拓く教育を実践して、
  • ◎世界に通用する製菓技術の習得と、食材の生産、加工、販売までの流れを学ぶ独自の教育をとおして、「発想力・創造力」や「豊かな感性」を持った地域に貢献できる人材を育成します。
  • ◎医療福祉の幅広い知識と確かな技術、豊かな人間性で乳幼児から高齢者までの心と身体を支え、「知・技・こころ」ともに成熟した、地域に貢献できる人材を育成します。
  • ◎常に変化する社会への「対応力」、正しい知識に基づく「判断力」、多様なニーズに合った「提案力」を身に付け、社会の奉仕者として、地域住民の安心・安全・豊かな生活を支える公務員を育成します。

Our message
Connecting Knowledge.
Creating the Future.

Connecting Knowledge. :

Utilizing the cohesive nature of our junior high school, senior high school, and university within one campus, we are committed to creating a spirit of community and collaboration through active learning. Our system emphasizes a ‘student-centered’ approach towards education, encouraging our young people to promote activities and research that focus not only on local issues, but also on regional and international situations. Furthermore, by utilizing our strong ties with local businesses and government entities, we aim to promote Fukui as a place that has a strong spirit of tradition with a global outlook.

Creating the Future. :

Kanai Educational Institution will maintain its successful tradition of having building, manufacturing, and development as its core strengths. With a long standing and progressive engineering culture, we will continue to utilize cutting-edge technology and innovation.

Our promise:

We are a learning community that aims to constantly seek and create new values in order to realize a prosperous future. We aim to be a center of knowledge with a focus on human potential while maintaining a deep connection with the greater community.


With a maturing and knowledgeable society where a 100-year life expectancy will be the norm, we aim to stay both robust and independent. We aim to be an institution that not only develops global citizens, but also provides opportunities for society to retrain and enhance itself as we realize and accept the challenges of a new globalized landscape. To stay ahead of the curve, we will use cutting-edge technology combined with disciplined and innovative pedagogies. FUT will also maintain a steady flow of energy and information between the university and the community, making newly gained ‘knowledge’ and ‘techniques’ accessible to local businesses. With the ultimate mission and vision being to develop sustainably, this guiding statement will allow Japan to be a strong and supportive bridge across the global community.

Senior High School

We focus on helping students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills, cultivate critical thinking ability, and foster autonomy. Realizing students are unique in their own way, we aim to provide “dream-achieving” education through respecting their individuality and meeting their needs.
Due to an ever-changing society that is becoming more globalized, we hope to foster students who can think with a global mindset, be proficient in English, and be able to take on global issues and challenges. As a UNESCO associated school, through ongoing programs such as the ESD education and partnerships with our sister schools abroad, our students will be able to begin to gain the confidence necessary to play a larger role in the international community.

Junior High School

We aim to develop a spirit of ‘Independence and Collaboration” through the founding spirit of our school. We will nurture and support this generation, who will face the unique challenges of the 21st century.
With an emphasis on individual development and communication, we will make a strong contribution to the local, regional, and international community. With a flexible and diverse approach to education, along with a positive outlook and a keen sense of community, it is our sincere hope that our students will shape the future of this nation.

Fukui Confectionery College

Our mission is to develop professionals with "imagination and creativity" and "rich sensibility" through learning world-class confectionery techniques and unique education to learn the flow of food production, processing, and sales, and thus can contribute to the community.

Fukui Medical Welfare College

Our mission is to develop mature healthcare professionals with a sound mind who have extensive expertise in medical care and welfare; support people of all ages through a wholistic approach, and thus can contribute to the community.

Fukui Civil Servant College

Our mission is to develop adaptable and rational civil servants who can be responsive to an ever-changing society; display accurate judgement; implement applicable proposals to meet the diverse needs of society, and thus can contribute to local residents’ safety, peace of mind, and productive life as a person who serves the community.


私たちが、金井学園の提供する価値を再定義する学園ブランディングの活動 -Re/BRANDING_PROJECT- を本格的に始動したのは、2019年春のことでした。









メンバー間で出し合ったコンセプトやアイディアをもとに、福井工業大学デザイン学科の創造プラットフォーム-F's Design Studioのサポートを得て完成させました。


